Gwyllm Llwydd has long swum through the seas of Art & Entheogensia. His early artistic influences were Willifred Sätty, Max Ernst, Rick Griffin and various schools of Buddhist Mandala Art. Pursuing the depths of the Mandala and its secrets has been the basis of his art ever since. The basic tools for his artistic adventures lately have been the Airbrush and Photoshop.
In the past Gwyllm was involved with Surrealism and Arcane Metaphysics moving between the US and Europe. He started a publishing company for street poets (DIY Press) and later Grey Pavilion, an early Electronica Band, that moved between L.A. and London before crashing and burning. He returned to painting and printing in various forms and hasn’t stopped since.
He lives in the Pacific Northwest with his family and is currently working on painting, neighborhood murals, publishing “The Invisible College Magazine” as well as publishing other works .He has a long running blog, “The Hares Tale/aka Turfing” (15 years and counting!) and being involved with the developing online community associated with the site and list…
He sincerely believes that community, art, love, and opening up your mind are part of the puzzle (among many) to a Brave New World.
You can also connect with Gwyllm on Facebook,Google+, Twitter: EarthRites.
Penblwydd Hapus!
There is of course a 1/365 chance of this being your birthday, but I think I missed the last one.