Blotter Art

Welcome To Our Blotter Page:

Well, New Pieces!

4 to be exact. Very excited about this collaboration with Marty Coyle who graciously had these printed up. You will notice that a couple of them certainly depart from the usual with my recent art. Read on!

Purchase Here: Blotter Omnibus 4 pieces $240.00


I spent 10 months off and on creating “Universal Convergence”. Another in my Mandala Series, employing a glorified Pointillist technique. India Ink, Acrylics, Coloured Pencils & Water Colours went into creating this take on the Universe. Imagine each bubble as a discreet universe. Yep.

Universal Convergence Blotter

Purchase Here: Universal Convergence Blotter $65.00


Varanasi Vimana Blotter

Before he died, my friend Jim Harter sent me two books printed in 1846 of lithographic illustrations of India. This piece came out of those books. I started the Vimana series some 20 years ago. One of those ongoing things, thought processes that just kind of happens. I had always been fascinated since reading about them in “The Morning of the Magicians” back in my late teens. I later found references to them in the Vedas, as well as the Vaimānika Śāstra (वैमानिक शास्त्र which probably was the source for the reportage in “The Morning of the Magicians”.

Purchase Here: Varanasi Vimana Blotter $65.00


Indra's Web II
Indra’s Web II












This is the second iteration of “Indra’s Web” If I recall correctly the original was released in 2003, the second blotter piece that I did with Adam Stanhope. I decided to redo the piece, updating it with a different palette. I think it turned out nicely!

Purchase Here: Indra’s Web II Blotter $65.00


Bodhisattva #109 Blotter

A real departure for my work with Blotter Art. Bodhisattava #109 began as a painting back in the early/mid 90’s. Like any physical work that I produce it took months. ADHD and all of that. The painting was produced in the apex of our mushroom explorations, and cultivations… The media used: India Ink/Pen & Ink, Water Colour, Airbrush… A longtime favourite of mine.

Purchase Here: Bodhisattva #109 Blotter $65.00

More Blotter! Please Take a Look!

Gods of Divine Inebriation
Gods of Divine Inebriation Blotter

Gods of Divine Inebriation Blotter


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“The Gate Keeper”

Gate Keeper Blotter

Gate Keeper Blotter


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Invocation Blotter

Invocation Blotter

Invocation Blotter


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Solstice-Gwaschemasch’e Efendi Blotter

Solstice-Gwaschemasch’e-Efendi Blotter

Solstice-Gwaschemasch’e-Efendi Blotter


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Aldous Huxley – Doors Of Perception

Aldous Huxley "Doors of Perception Blotter

Aldous Huxley “Doors of Perception Blotter


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Moiré Eyes Blotter

Moiré Eyes

Moiré Eyes


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“Chalice” US/Canada Sales Only

Chalice - Blotter Sale

Chalice – Blotter Sale


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“The Chemist” Blotter

The Chemist Blotter

The Chemist Blotter


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Golden Gate Park, January 14th, 1967 (Human Be-In)

Golden Gate Park, January 14th 1967 (Human Be-In)

Golden Gate Park, January 14th 1967 (Human Be-In)


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Our Lady of the Tryptamines

Our Lady of the Tryptamines


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If you have any questions, please DM!

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